I’ve written a lot about animations, from choosing the appropriate method to limiting browser reflow, but have never made a any basic tutorial because I haven’t had much reason to. But now I see that it could be useful to get people started down the right track.
I highly recommend checking out my post on beginning web development if you’re at all interested in learning how to program for the web. It should be quite useful to you!
Throughout this tutorial I’ll be writing code in the post itself, but I am also making the assumption that you’ll follow along in a separate window using CodePen, a web compiler of sorts. I also assume you know a tiny bit of HTML and CSS, but if you don’t you should still be able to follow along. It’d be best to make sure you’re using a modern browser as well so we don’t have to worry as much about browser prefixes.
Please branch off from the tutorial to test out things! That’s a great way to learn exactly what’s going on.