User-centered iteration
External link icons
The AI Stanley Parable is coming
5 year anniversary party
Blog refresh 2023
Site redesign 2017
Developer chatroom etiquette
Lessons learned from a dining hall
An activity discovery app
So you want to learn web development?
Creating an animated desktop background using a webpage
A brief introduction to electronic music
Spiral learning
Create useful things
Starting JavaScript (JS)
Starting HTML and CSS
The why and what behind web development
Personal studies
How to create asset loading effects
The ultimate wearable
Definition vs Description
An introduction to web animation
How to learn anything
Why I still contribute to StackOverflow
Why not use HTML tables for layout?
Why JavaScript instead of Flash?
What is the most efficient way to modify DOM elements and limit reflow?
Why do we use responsive units like em instead of px when designing responsive sites?
Proper usage of the picture element
The responsive design primer
The creative process
Single element shapes with gradients