- Efficiency > exact precision for most things
- Good interaction between co-workers is one of the most important things for employee retainment and satisfaction
- Good interaction with clients is what is memorable to clients and makes employees stand out
- Good product is necessary for client retention
- Options (including availability) gets a bigger client base
- There’s always a place for a good employee
- It’s better to have (reasonably) too much than not enough
- People get way more upset about unexpected loss than expected loss
- Special events bring in some traffic but don’t affect long term growth very much
- Focus on what your company is good at, including specific products
- Clients hate things they see as necessary being taken away but will get over it if the product is still good
- Making things look pretty is not of much concern, though it does play a factor
- Group buy in helps immensely
- Meet people where they’re at
- People love and bond over food
- Be open minded at all times
- People can be alone while being surrounded by people
- It’s good, fun, and profitable to meet random people at times
- Everyone has their own story and is awesome in some ways
- Most everyone likes to have a good conversation
- Diversity in choices is necessary to prevent burnout
- There are times for big groups and times for small ones
- Nothing beats a good home cooked meal